Monday 23 March 2015

New world

How would you rate your effort?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your use of class time?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your process? Did you follow all the required steps?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor 

How would you rate your creativity?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your overall end product?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

Total Points ______ (25 max) 

If you were to do this assignment again what would you do differently? (5 points)
i would have liked to taken the ripped paper picture with the actual picture i used, but unfortunately it wasnt possible due to that picture being taken in the summer

What have you improved on by doing this assignment? (5 points)
paint brush knowledge, i messed around quite a bit looking for different effects they do, i put in a smokey kind of brush to make the real world seem smokey and the new world seem to be the only point of clarity

If you were to offer a future student advice about this assignment, what would it be? (5 points)
take the ripped paper picture live!!! it was very annoying using procreate to plant the paper into the picture

Do you have any suggestions for me the teacher if I assign this assignment again? (5 points)
nope, this was a fun assignment

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